Robert Pelton is a professor of chemical engineering at McMaster University and holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Interfacial Technologies. Pelton is also the Scientific Director of the Sentinel Bioactive Paper NSERC Strategic Network. Working with 60+ graduate students, 36 post docs, and 100+ summer students, Pelton’s team has produced more than 280 peer reviewed publications and 6800 citations involving a wide range of topics in colloid and polymer science. Best known for his invention of polyNIPAM thermosensitive microgels and his vision of the SENTINEL Bioactive Paper initiative, Pelton as won a number awards including the Technical Association of the American Pulp and Paper Association (TAPPI) Van den Akker Award for paper physics (2013), Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award, Chemical Institute of Canada (2009), 2010 Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement Award, McMaster University, the Derek Page award for the best paper in Journal Pulp Paper Science (2005), the Jasper Mardon Memorial Prize for the best papermaking paper (2002), the Synergy Award for best collaboration with industry (1996). Pelton is a TAPPI fellow and was recently elected as a fellow the Royal Society of Canada. Pelton earned his Ph.D. in Colloid Chemistry at Bristol University 1977 working with Prof. Ronald Ottewill.